Web hosting is the service of providing storage space and access for websites. This is where the website content resides online. ITS manages webhosting for self-service and some campus-supported websites, such as those hosted on Voices. For custom websites built by external vendors or existing websites that require hosting, IT Services can help determine the best option for the website's particular needs.

Hosting Options

Content Management System (CMS) Web Hosting

With a CMS-based website, IT Services partners with different vendors for website maintenance and hosting. It is important to note that different types of CMS hosting require different levels of regular maintenance. There are fees involved with this option—contact IT Services for more information.

Static Web Hosting Environment

A static website is one which does not make use of any database or dynamic content and is written completely manually in HTML versus leveraging a content management system (CMS). Hosting for static websites can be provided at no charge.

Maintenance and Security

Website owners are responsible for ensuring the website's content management system (CMS) and hosting platform are supported and maintained. Website maintenance may entail CMS updates, plugin and module updates, server updates, and security patches.

When working with a vendor on a website project, website owners must ensure the vendor will provide ongoing maintenance and support, especially for addressing security vulnerabilities and patching the CMS as required.

UChicago website owners bear responsibility of keeping websites updated and secure, regardless of whether a vendor hosts or develops the website.

Request Hosting or Consultation

To request hosting or to consult with IT Services about hosting options, submit a Hosting Inquiries Request.